Sunday, February 25, 2007

Night Flight

THE MIDDLE EAST, AP- Today, in world news, a shocking new piece of evidence has come forward in the United States' supposed "prisoner flights," moving detainees and other prisoners resulting from the war in Iraq. An unknown insider has come forward with pictures and some seriously incriminating evidence regarding the treatment and eventual living quarters of these fated souls.
It has been well known that for some time the US government has been using stops in Europe and the Middle East to shuttle detainees to "secret" camps all around the world. What isn't known is the abuse and neglect that these people face in these horrid situations. They are taken to strange and unknown places and put onto planes like cattle, forced to stay in the cargo hold. They are intimidated by the presence of live ammunition, though most of them are too tired and weak to fight. Furthermore, on their arrival, they are placed in cold, hard camps, reminiscent of old German stalags. See for yourself:

middle of the night... perhaps Ali al Salem?

cattle live better than this

my "street"
our house

send me stuff!!


Unknown said...

Wow I get to be the first one to forgot to mention the great in-flight service that we got

Anonymous said...

Your box is coming. I have filled it and am sending it on monday. Love Mom

Dan Van said...

I call the place my street Desolation Row. .It is a very somber place with plenty of gnashing of teeth and screams. I woke up today to a loud voice over an intercom shouting "Incoming" and all I could do was roll over and try to sleep off the deployment.

Anonymous said...

Can I have some of the postcards from your MRE's? I want to use them in an art project.
Love Mom

Aunt Mary said...

Hi Mike,
I'm still trying to figure out this blogging stuff! I hope you get this. Today is very windy here, about 65 mph wind gusts with lots of blowing dirt--probably alot like Baghdad in the wind. I picked up your green chile salt and a few other things and will send out tomorrow. Are there any other guys in your unit that don't have supportive loving family memebers to send them goodies??? pass along their names and address and we'll see that they get some cool yummies! I'm remembering you in my prayers. Love, Aunt Mary

Aunt Mary said...

It's me, Aunt Mary---again!
You didn't say what computer games you would like to have sent. Also what kind of deodorant do you use? For the sake of the other people in your unit, deodorant should be highest on your priority list!

Sarah S. said...

I agree with Aunt Mary, wear your deodorant Mike! hehehe

Sarah S. said...

Hi Mike,
I have some questions for you. Did you get an inflight movie when you flew over from U.S.? Does your uniform come with camouflage pens and pocket protectors? Does your house have a window? Love Mom