Friday, March 16, 2007

AFN doesn't stand for Awesome Fun Network

Yeah, I know I said that I wouldn't wait a week to post, but I'm in a conflict zone, and I can do what I want. Anyway, there have been a few new developments here. We've gotten some "assistance" at the CRSP yard, so now we are down to eight hour shifts. I say "assistance" because most of the people are lazy bums. We still do most of the work, but it's getting better. I don't think that active duty army likes getting bossed around by reservists. Especially not when they outrank me, and I'm doing the bossing! Ha!
So we went down to eight hour shifts, which is nice. I now have time to work out, which I have been doing more of, and time to do absolutely nothing, which is even nicer. My main sources of entertainment are my PSP (the best investment I've made in a while), books (obviously), and the pitiful Armed Forces Network. We get something like eight channels, but they're not very predictable. Imagine having all the channels currently available on TV, selecting one show at random from each channel, and placing it somewhere in a lineup on a small variety of networks. We get Bill O'Reilly back to back with Wolf Blitzer, Katie Couric next to Sportscenter, and AFN Movies has the worst selection ever. They played The Big Chill the other day. Most of the people here weren't even born when that movie came out, I think. Anyway, at least we have some variety, but it's still a propaganda machine. You should see some of the commercials.
Well, I digress. I was talking about work, which is going ok. We seem to be having one technical glitch right after the other. About two weeks ago, our database crashed. As soon as it seemed as though we were going to get things running like normal again, some yahoo goes and runs into a telephone pole, thus knocking out all internet to a better part of the Seitz Annex part of Camp Liberty. This wouldn't be too problematic, except for the fact that our database is hosted on a network drive, and all of our phones are VoIP. Hence, no internet=no working CRSP yard. But, the show must go on, so we've been doing everything on paper until the lines are repaired and we get service back. It should happen soon. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that pretty soon I will have a phone number here, so if you want to call me, I am usually around between 1:30 and 3:00 am eastern time, or 10:00 am to 2:30 pm eastern. My number is (513)407-9295. I'll let you know when it's working. It's Vonage, so I get local calling anywhere in the world that there's an internet connection. You people had better call me, because the internet here is $65 per month!!
Last but not least, I have a few pics of the lunar eclipse that happened about a week and a half ago. They're not great, but then again, my digital camera's not too hot about taking nighttime pictures of something that's 230,000 miles away. My lens only gets 3x optical zoom.

early on

a little further on

it's eating all the moon cheese!

totality, the coolest part


Unknown said...

You forgot to mention the no-PSP at work rule! Also the great ride to and from work. You have some spelling errors in this post. Is that brought to you by AFN?

Anonymous said...

Just remember you are not there forever...
Can you do movies on your laptop?

Sarah S. said...

wow, i would of loved to have seen that! lol, I'll def. let Kristen drive me car. haha, how are you???? Miss you!!!!