Monday, May 21, 2007

Ain't nothin' left here partner, just the dust of a plague that has left this whole town afraid

Well, not too much of anyting new is going on here in lovely Iraq. We're getting the yard graded and covered with limestone, to help with the mud problem when it rains. This is good, but not too practical, since it may not really rain again until October. Instead it just creates dust, and a lot of it.

The dust gets just about everywhere, too. Sometimes, when people come in from out in the yard, they are completely beige, head to toe, with the exception of their hair and eyes, since they were covered with hat and glasses. I'm glad I work in the office.
In other news, I have an update on the kittens.
First, I'll say that my desire to keep them was vindicated the other day when we had a mouse running around the trailer. It took three days to get him caught in a trap, and I'm sure that he's not the last one we'll be seeing. Therefore, on to the kitens:
The one that I was going to name Dusty died. I still haven't gotten the straight story on it, but some say that he ran out in front of a truck, and others say that one of the hillbilly guys here "accidentally" killed it. Either way, it was a waste.
As for the other one, which was the one that got wounded, he is doing quite well. The civilian KBR employee here, Jamie, told me that he's living with a bunch of third-country nationals and they play with him and he's getting a lot bigger. That makes me happy to know that his wounds are most likely healing up well and he's doing fine.
Oh well, that's all for now.
Happy Birthday, Kristen!

1 comment:

Sarah S. said...

Yah! Good Kitty news!
Love Mom