Thursday, May 3, 2007

medicating in the sun, pinch doses of laudanum

Well, summer is officially starting to come on in central Iraq. We've entered month three without much of a hitch, with the exception of the monotony, it's not all that bad. It's getting rather warm here on a daily basis. Since we're working 11:30 pm to 11:30 am, we get to experience a bit of the famous Iraqi sun. My hands and face are starting to get a bit of sun. I imagine by the time I'm home on leave, I should have a pretty swell "army tan."
Anyway, it starts getting warm here by about nine o'clock in the morning. Lately, it's also been a touch humid. We're on the tail end of the rainy season, so on occasion it will spit for a few minutes and then quit. That makes it positively miserable. I can't wait for the real heat of summer. Not that I'm anxious for it, but I've never quite experienced 130 degrees before. It'll be a "life experience," or whatever I decide to call all the little milestones in this collective rock pile.

In other news, we got a new copier at the CRSP. I know, in the real world that's kind of hum-drum, but here that's monumental. It makes my life a thousand times easier and a million times more efficient. Instead of laboriously researching and printing off the convoy commanders' paperwork, I can now quickly fire out my approvals, and make copies for them, so they have records for their higher-ups. Yaaay!
We also had to call the fire department because the KBR forklift driver punctured a drum of hydraulic fluid. Nothing really cool happened, except for the fact that a fire truck came, and you all know how much I like fire trucks. The KBR data entry clerk, Jamie, was positively enamored with one of the firemen. I guess it made her day.
Aside from all that, I guess the only news is that my promotion packet went winging its way to Cleveland last week, in hopes that the promotion board convenes sometime soon, and I haven't missed it. Not to worry, though, because my First Sergeant is working dilligently to get me promoted, so I'm not worried. If I have missed the Cleveland board, then we'll be seeking someone's approval here. The Army's promotion system is whack. I won't go into great detail here, that's for another rant. OK, I'm going to go soak up some AC and take a nap. It's going to hit 108 this weekend.


Dad said...


We haven't heard from you in a while. Matthew is getting confirmed on Saturday, and the school year is winding down for everybody. Michelle got a job at Cheeburger Cheeburger and will graduate in two weeks. Jenny and I are freaking out over the prospects of remodeling the house this summer and needing to be out of it for 4-6 weeks with no place to go. All in all, everything is fine here, and trust that all is well with you. Did you hear that Jeff Ruby kicked O.J. Simpson out of the Louisville restaurant on Derby Eve? He (Ruby) evidently got a standing ovation from the patrons. It's been all over the national news.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Love, Dad

P.S. If you see Cheney, check his breath and be sure that he isn't packing a firearm.

Unknown said...

Hey Mike, Your dad sent me the link on your blog a while ago, and I have been trying to keep up with your life "over there." Looks like your attitude is really positive in spite of the circumstances. Congratulations. I know we haven't really talked in many years, but I have been really impressed to learn that you have become such an admirable man. You have been and will be in my prayers. Keep safe, and thanks for writing.


PS - I am married with a newborn.