Thursday, February 8, 2007

eat, drink and be merry

Now, we've all been to Mexico and the likes, some to Europe and beyond, and one thing is usually consistent: dual language product marketing. It's not at all different here, but it's a bit odd to see everyting in english and arabic script. Take this Coke cup, for example:

Is there even a word for "Coke" in arabic? Not too sure here. The same applies for the Lays and the Doritos:

snack food jihad

We also have very disturbing ice cream. Don't get me wrong, it's very tasty (did I mention that there's an ice cream bar inside of every dining hall? It's Baskin Robbins, but I digress...) but the wrappings on the non BR ice cream are kind of weird. It reminds me of bad Afghanistanimation. Here's a nice photo of Dan and me about to "enjoy" a bar apiece:

The duduks' moaning tunes are slowly working their way into my ears.
I also got a picture of a fire truck (for those who don't know, I really like fire trucks):

Aside from that, the food's not all bad. We have some decent living arrangements. We all live in a giant permanent tent, and I have a nice little piece of the action.

Fun, eh? It's like camping, but in a giant tent with 50 other people and power. They say they're climate controlled, but it gets really cold here at night. The thermostat registered 58 degrees at one point this morning, after the sun had come up. Quiet, all you midwesterners, I know you just got 6.4 inches of snow, it's still cold for Kuwait.
Oh well, we have to get up early tomorrow to go do some weapons work, so I'll be off. Au revoir!
PS Happy 2nd Birthday, Mikey!!


Sarah S. said...

Hey there! Hope your having a good time! P.S. do you want me to send you some non-perishable snacks? :] Love you! ~Sarah

Dad said...

Gosh, Mike. I was 48 years old before I made it to Europe for the first time, and it's neat that we both debuted our European tour in Frankfurt, Germany. You are now in the Middle East, and it took me until last year to make it to the Asian continent. You will never be the same, as I am not from my travels to different parts of the globe, but you'll always be our Mike. We love you and miss you, and really like your blog as a way to stay in touch and know that you are doing well and in good spirits.



Sarah S. said...

hey, its me again! I have a blog now too, you inspired me! haha it's mainly a blog for my photography and writings. But anyway, what computer games do you already have, and what ones do you want? Email me at or on my blog, PS I would like the Amazon wish list please! Love you!!!